One of the most important features of the puberty, the sexual feeling is sexual libido sexualis) engine (. Sexual feeling in the woman gradually develops. To distinguish the Libido of two different components: the pursuit of mutual rapprochement and the desire to have sexual intercourse are. In women especially, the first one is developed by them.
It is characteristic that it can develop independently, without, in another. This emotional relationship to a Person of the opposite sex, a doctor for a long time, such as "highest love". By this feeling the person is very close and expensive. On the contrary, in the case of men of particular importance is the desire to have Sex, pain during sexual intercourse is to be determined, that doctors, like the sensual component of love. This component includes the desire, the specific sensations of Lust, which is in the process of intimacy.
If so, the sexual attraction of the man is manifested mainly with the sensual side and only later (21-25 years), combined with a feeling of love for the beloved people, then the girl in the presence of the stock on the approximation, of course, no desire for sexual intercourse. This urge in you to appear only after a few months of sexual married life, and often only after the first birth.
So, in the structure of sexual desire of women, is a leading Element in all phases of life, the love for the beloved people. The sensory component is, in General, the young woman develops for some time even after the beginning of sexual life, and only then he has.
The physiology of sexual intercourse in women

In order to better understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse in the female body, with the anatomy of the female genital organs.
Sexual intercourse (coitus) usually occur under the influence of sexual arousal (voluptas), a high-Element that is an orgasm (orgasm) then the period of calm (defluvium), what comes after the end of sexual intercourse. The absence of sexual arousal in women is called frigidity. During sexual intercourse the man had to push the erect cock, the walls of the Vagina and of the full introduction fills you.
The introduction of the erect Penis facilitates be: the ability of the Vagina significantly. Due to the occurrence of sexual arousal before the introduction of the penis into the the man from glands Cooper has vagina rubber poured bear mystery, the wetted the head of cock and makes it slippery. Substance released from specific glands, makes your head greasy, that also made it easier for the vagina to its introduction in the.
In large and small lips with a special substance is surrounded by connective tissue. If you stop sexual arousal swollen blood, of the drain, while the influx of your Fort. In the result of a swelling of the clitoris, the large and small labia with the formation of the elastic roll occurs. Through this Transformation, the access into the vagina is free. At the same time the female glands, small glands and vestibular and cervical cancer emit bright transparent mucus.
When sexual intercourse is not only not marked no resistance, but, on the contrary, it is much easier, friction and pain-free.
The woman is also involved in the process: the skin and mucosa of the Penis rubs the vagina transverse folds. At the same time the involuntary rhythmic contractions of the vaginal walls through the activities of his sphincter muscles. These cuts are particularly noticeable, just prior to the date of termination of the swelling of the sex organs.
How is the orgasm in women?
In the processes of both participants in the intercourse, a feeling of lust in consequence of the excitation of neural Taurus, is located in the head of the penis and the woman at the head of the clitoris, at the entrance to the vagina, in the Vulva and in the Vagina. The Irritation, the ends are perceived by those with the nerves to the spinal cord and then to the brain. This stimulus will be collected and amplified to a level of actuation is reached, in which there are a number of new hues. The last member of the latter, the throw of sperm cells in men (ejaculation) and the secretion of the glands of the cervix and bartolinievyh glands in women. Ejaculation accompanied by lush feeling of orgasm. The origin of orgasm is not fully understood.
In the case of women, for the emergence of orgasm, a sufficient irritation of the erogenous zones, as well as mentally erotic readiness for sex pain during intercourse must. In contrast to men in women, the increase of the orgasm is much slower, but a longer cooldown. The same period, the "peak" orgasm for a long time in the two of you.
The intensity of the orgasm is very different and depends on the Temperament and the Constitution of the people. Orgasm can not be due to damage to the property or the inhibitory influence of the cerebral cortex, by psychogenic factors (indifference, disgust, etc.) occur as a result of the reduction in the excitability of the relevant departments of the visual bumps.
It is also worth noting feels an unusual and very strong orgasm how to squirt or Inkjet orgasm. Its essence consists in the fact that the woman injected fluid squirted a small fountain with a clear liquid from the vagina during orgasmic contractions. This fluid is produced in special glands, not to be confused with the urine. Reaching a strong orgasm, a woman to stimulate if a man, is the front wall of the Vagina, or point G.
How long the sexual act lasts for a woman?
The duration of a normal sexual intercourse ranges from 2 to 6 minutes. Here, however, of great importance is the nature of man is. On the duration of sexual intercourse also, the distances between the sexual intercourse act itself. Longer sexual content, and strong sexual arousal significantly the duration of sexual intercourse to reduce.
Why during Sex with the woman, no arousal?

One of the most severe psychological injury to the women's disappointment in the middle people can. Married to a man that triggered him bright and high feelings, she discovers unexpectedly cynical view of her husband in sexual life, in which she plays the role of mere tools of pleasure.
Therefore, the ratio of men to women during sexual intercourse, it is particularly important. Rudeness and lack of tact, discovered the man at first intercourse, the woman is a negative Reflex to sexual intercourse. And if the following relations do not contribute to the positive changes, then this Reflex is pathological, caused in the future, sexual frigidity. The should be careful.his relationship to the young girls who have not had sexual intercourse
If she is a virgin, then the fear of the first sexual intercourse. So man should not strive to always have to wait from the woman of the first intercourse in the "first night", but quiet a few days, in the process of everyday communication in the case of women, the fear was completely.
In this relationship with the girl, who to marry, should doctors, to lead discussions, to explain to them that the loss of virginity is not a disaster, as it is often think so. Hymen is very rarely a solid color. Above all, it has a hole in it. If the form is hymen so that sexual intercourse, you violate the integrity, the overwhelmed at first intercourse; it is the fact a slight pain noted. Bleeding occurs in these cases, is irrelevant.
Injury during Sex
Complications and injuries during sexual intercourse occur in both men and women. Sometimes women have during the sexual intercourse tract considerable damage to the genital. Crack young depends on remote cuticle on the degree of mechanical action. The results of this damage are varied: tearing hymen, mangle, also, the detachment part of the hymen, preferably rectal Department.
These wounds caused by embossing and elongation of the introduction of the Penis into the opening in the hymen. Edge of the hymen to the inside, pressed and stretch ripped.
Breaks during sexual intercourse occur in different places, but most of the time you will find yourself on the section 6 (for the exact designation of the place made cracks present due to the dial with hours), or on the sides. If discontinuities hymen hymen on the numeral 6 on the dial sometimes in the case of gross exported intercourse, except virgin, torn the posterior wall of the vagina, preferably the mucosa. In marked degree of immaturity of sex organs, such damage to the complete rupture of the perineum, and the vaginal walls and vault can proceed.
In infantile women where a result of the development of the sexual organs, as well as in elderly and old - the result of the atrophy and fragility of the
To name a complication, such as spastic contraction of the vagina in women, causing such a strong pinched tail, the front part, especially the head, swell considerably, and the member may not vagina are derived from the. In these cases, the woman will expose of the anesthesia or the disadvantage must be eliminated with the help of a warm bath.
Sometimes during intercourse difficulties in connection with the dryness of the mucous membrane occur the skin of the Vagina in the case of the violation of glands of Cooper, or special glands. In these cases, the dry mucosa before intercourse is recommended to moisturize with grease-containing Emulsion, ointment or saliva.
Rarely, but it happens to such a catastrophic complication during sexual intercourse, such as the death. Death in connection with the sexual intercourse occurs during or shortly after him more often in men than in women, the elderly, the sick, sclerosis of the brain-and the coronary vessels, especially when the abuse preceded the overeating or alcohol. Death can bleeding be a result of stroke, myocardial infarction, embolism, paralysis of the heart, and in the case of the tuberculosis - strong lungs.

In some cases, gynecologists and forensic doctors deal with the complaints of the men, this happens especially in the families, from the preaching of Islam. At the latest after the first wedding, your GATT night indoor slander deception in connection with a little or complete lack of blood. In your opinion, this fact is cuticle a proof of the long-term injury virgin. However, knowledge of the property, in such cases, almost always that men are misled by the presence of their wives of such forms of hymen, which, by their anatomical characteristics, gender can transport without violation of the integrity. If the hymen is very low, the secretion of blood from the superficial cracks is negligible or none at all.
Obstacles to sexual pain during intercourse in women, there are: Vaginismus, infantilism of the genitalia, miss expressed by atrophic processes in them, the image of the development of the external or internal genitalia (Hymen, Vagina), inflammatory processes, tumors, etc.